Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Sweet Benton Boy!!!

WE LOVE YOU very much Benton!


Mom, Dad, & Seth

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seth's Blessing Day

Seth is 2 months old and was blessed on Sunday, October 23rd by his dad. He wore his daddy's blessing outfit and we had a wonderful day! Lots of family made it complete and Rob gave him a beautiful blessing!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Since I blogged last...

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
Benton sent his little brother Seth down to earth to be with us!

Rob officially became Mr. Bowles and got hired on at Preston High School as a chemistry teacher! He graduates in December with his masters! We are proud of him!

My friend Jenna had a beautiful baby girl Macie!

The Stephans came to visit all the way from Mississippi!

My friend Jessica became Jessica S. Parker!

The annual Wilson Family Campout...all 6 of the Wilson kids were there this year and it was awesome!

Jenny, Shane, and Jake

Nicole and her boys

Kate & Heidi...cute girls!

Gracie wasn't so sure about the jumbo marshmallows after this...

We got to spend some time with my sisters and their families over the 4th of July...Lewiston Parade and all!

At least someone got use out of the boat this year...even if it was parked.

My sister, Nicole ran the Salt Lake Marathon and dominated! She has got some serious motivation and self discipline, and I am proud of her!

We conquered Fairview our backyard this last winter/spring-Yes this really is our backyard!

We went up to Northern Idaho and visited Farragut State Park which used to be an army training base during World War II. My Grandpa Wilson was stationed here as one of the dentists for all the new recruits before they left for the war.

Pretty sweet idea for our propane tank huh? We saw beautiful Coeur d'alane and even got to visit Annie and Justin in Moscow!

We went to Spokanne Washington where we went to the temple, saw Wicked, and went to a Cat Museum of sorts.

They had siberian tigers, panthers, cougars, lions, and even a bear at this Cat Museum...Justin and Rob fit right in with the monkeys huh?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm so grateful for my Family...

Hansen Family Party 2010

Melissa & Pat

Mike, Melissa, and Cassie

The Nativity Cast

Justin & Annie

Grandma Hansen

Wilson Family Christmas Party 2010
By faces, I'd say Brandon's winning...

Zoned into the tube....the new generation of cousins

Amber Spring

Hyrum excercising his mad skills

The girls playing Bean Bonanza...and Rob...nice bow.

Mark and Mindy

Andrew with Amber and Ava

Me, Heather, Nicole, and Jenny...Thank you Nicole for all you do!
These things wouldn't happen without you.

Mom and Ryan...Best Mom Ever!!!